Friday, February 14, 2014

Call Me Maybe [One-Shot]

Call me MAybE
By: WisdomDeath

            I wove my way through the thick crowd. I spotted some familiar faces and would want to go near but someone was in my way. I wasn’t much of a crowd person. I get lost in big crowds. I was just starting to join the crowd yet I felt dizzy. I escaped the thick crowd and was welcomed by the evening air. I saw that familiar red polo shirt with the golf club design at the back.
            I sat on a bench and fanned my face as if the mere action would fan out the dizziness away.
            The guy sat on the bench beside me. A couple more minutes passed and he broke the silence, telling me how much he hates crowds. I nodded and told him that I do, too.
            More conversation and topics later, I found myself liking him. He stood up and stretched, letting me see a little bit more skin. I noticed that we have been out here for quite a long time. I told him that we might have to go back inside. He smiled and we did.
            After all the activities, I was tired but seeing him smile at me, my world maybe stopped. We made our way out together but when we were about to separate ways, he gripped my wrist and asked me when he would see me again.
            I smiled at him and gave him my number. “Here’s my number.”
            I just met him. Everything was crazy, but at least he has my number. 

Author's Note: Happy Valentine's Day!!! :)

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