Friday, December 16, 2011

You're My Type : Chapter 1

1: The Unknown

According to Mithra’s article, there are 4 normal types of students in our school.

  • Athletic type - varsity players, sports enthusiasts, ACE PLAYERS
  • Genius type - nerd, smart people, honor students, TOP 100 students of the year
  • Leader type - club presidents, student disciplinary committee, STUDENT COUNCIL
  • Popular type - models, singers, dancers, actors, beauty kings and queens, MR. and MS. POPULAR

In this school, a student is considered normal if you fall under any of those types. Different groups and clubs were established so those students who share the same traits may gather and excel on the field they are good at. But that doesn't end there because there are two more types to complete the student’s classification in this school.

If you are lucky, you could be the rare “All-four type”. Students who are good at everything!!! It's a person who wears the tag “Beauty and brains, mighty and influential”. It's really hard to find someone like that, however, I know one person in this school who is blessed enough to fall under that type.

But of course, if there are the lucky ones; there are also the unlucky ones. The 6th and last type is called the “Unknown type”. Unknowns are obviously not popular! They are not good at any sports nor have the good grades to make it to TOP 100 Students list. It’s impossible for them to get any attention from the other students because that’s the way it is. It’s a lot harder to believe but unfortunately, there’s someone in this school who falls under that type, ME.

I’m Katey Lewis, and I think I’m the one and only unknown in this school. Extreme bad luck comes in my way ever since I started going to school. You see, my surname “Lewis” doesn't starts with the letter “Z”. But due to some kind of extreme misfortune, my name was overlooked to be included at the class list.

Thank goodness the teacher was informed that a student named “Katey Lewis” is a part of his class, except that my name was written on the last page of his class record. And because of that, he would usually forget to call out my name.

TEACHER:   And… So everyone is present!!! We can start the class.

KATEY:         (I RaiseD MY hand but I was completely ignored!)

TEACHER:   Bring out your books and turn it to page…

KATEY:         (SO THE ONLY WAY TO GET HIS ATTENTION IS FOR ME TO STAND UP.) Sir, you forgot to call my name.

TEACHER:   Oh!!! Miss… Miss…?

KATEY:         Katey Lewis. My name is in the last page of your class record.

TEACHER:   Yeah of course! Thanks for informing me Ms. Lewis, I would have marked you absent…

This is normal though. I would rather consider it unusual if someone was able to notice my presence. But I have to make sure that the teacher doesn’t forget to check my class attendance because it is a part of the school’s grading system.

That will be unfair to have an ‘absent’ at my record since I’m always present at class. And if you are an UNKNOWN, it’s an everyday battle to prove that you’re never absent.

Well sometimes, it’s also a good thing to be invisible inside the classroom. A surprised recitation is a good example.

I observed that everyone in the class, except me, is trying really hard not to be noticed and be called by the teacher to answer his prepared questions. In this situation, I can use the word “Luckily” because even if I don’t know the answer, my chance of being called is… 0%

TEACHER:   That’s it for today! Those who didn’t participate will get an ‘F’ for this day’s graded recitation.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I did raise my hand in some of his questions but he didn’t call me, or more like he didn't notice me!!! It’s lucky if the question is hard ‘cause I’m safe. But if the question is like a giveaway question, even if I try hard enough to raise my hand, I wouldn’t be seen! So once again, my grade for today’s class is remarkably F.

That’s why I can never make it to the TOP 100 students list. No matter how hard I study; class participation is a huge part for computing our grades.

Oh! My bitter school life is not all about being unnoticed in the class. Even my teachers forget to compute my grade for the whole semester!

TEACHER:   I don’t have anything to compute in your class records!!!

KATEY:         I’m always present. Am I not given a point for that?

TEACHER:   Class participation Miss…

KATEY:         Lewis… I’m Katey Lewis.

TEACHER:   (SIGHS) But there’s really none in this class record. Even your assignments, quizzes and test exams are all blank!

KATEY:         Here are my papers that you checked. All the dates are written above and the scores you gave me. I kept all of it.

TEACHER:   (SHOCKED) Thank goodness you have this! Give me a minute and I’ll compute for your grades.

KATEY:         (I FEEL SO GLOOMY! I knew this would happen… but I’m prepared)

I do hope I’m not the only one who is experiencing this series of unfortunate trials. I mean, at least I don’t have to be sad since there are others who might have the same problems and maybe, just maybe we can talk about it and see possible solution for this some kind of strange fate.

But how will I know!!! Everyone in this school seemed to know each other very well!!! Does this mean that an unknown will always be an unknown?

If there are other people like me in this school, I wonder if I might have been unable to notice them since they are unknowns too! That could be possible. After all, they are “Unknowns” so they’re presence is also unnoticeable even to the same type as me.

People can’t even blame me for being so negative! Because believe me or not, a lot of times I tried to promote myself to everyone! Even if it means embarrassment!

“Girls Basketball Try-out” - Zero score! Completely no talent at dribbling or shooting. FAILED. Sorry.

“Quiz Bee” – ALREADY FAILED AT THE FIRST ROUND! But I swear I know the answers!!! I’m just unlucky to get a broken buzzer!

“Student Council Election” - Independent Candidate for Presidency = 1 vote. Obviously I’m the only one who voted for myself!

“Ms. Popular of the Year” - Number of male votes=1. That is probably a mistake of one student. He is sleepy or something! Number of female votes=1 – That’s me ME again!!!

I have doubted this from the start!!!

So as I failed in all four normal types, a chance to be an “All-Four TYPE” will happen only in my dreams!!! As you can see, an UNKNOWN like me will never get a chance to be normal. And I guess I just have to endure this loneliness.

End of Chapter 1

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